The COVID-19 pandemic brought on unprecedented challenges to everyone around the globe. However, Madison Blancher of Basic Batch Cupcakes saw a particular need to support young mothers in our community.




Her goal? To offer mothers a chance to enjoy a night out on the town, free of charge! Madison set out in the community asking businesses to donate $100 gift cards to the cause. Sure enough, she raised $2500 in gift cards to give to people in need mothers in the community. 





Madison connected with Mamas for Mamas to help her distribute the gift cards to deserving mothers in the community. When the Gratitude Project heard of Madison’s initiative they couldn’t help but surprise her with a donation.




When Madison connected with Shannon from Mamas for Mamas at their farm, her appreciation for the organization and their good work only grew. The Gratitude Project was honoured to surprise Madison there and commit to donating $5000 to Mamas for Mamas. 

After hearing all about the impact that Mamas for Mamas has on the community, the Gratitude Project was so touched that they increased their donation to $7500 right then are there. 

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