Story by: Karen Montgomery
This is our new series, Experience the Okanagan!
This series will take you along on adventures as we head out to find all of the different activities and opportunities to truly experience the Okanagan.
For our first episode of Experience the Okanagan, we are heading up to see Kelowna from the sky with Valhalla Helicopters!
Valhalla Helicopters in West Kelowna took myself, our Ok Pet Project columnist Kelsey Henderson and Valhalla’s mascot, Paddington, up for a scenic ride to show us an awesome way to experience the Okanagan.
Check it out!
However, takeoff was super smooth! After a run down on procedure, and learning what NOT to touch, we got our head sets on, lifted up calmly and off we went!
What better way to see the Okanagan valley than from a bird's eye view! It was incredible!
And the bubble windows in the helicopter allow you to take in the views from all angles.
This peak is located up in West Kelowna, and in the summertime you can take a tour up there to enjoy a picnic or special occasion.
But going up in the winter was JUST as fun!
Paddington loved it!
Taking a helicopter tour as a way to experience the Okanagan is an awesome way to treat someone special or enjoy with your favourite people.
Even canine's love it.
Want to try it for yourself? Book with Valhalla! A regular tour for two starts at $99 per person.
☑ Helicopter to a snowy peak
□ Snowmobiling in the Graystokes
I can't wait to head out on my next adventure! Any ideas what I should experience next? Leave me a comment!